• YEY is a program that provides young leaders with an opportunity to develop essential skills such as teamwork, communication, problem-solving, and leadership. Through workshops, mentorship, and real-world projects, students will not only enhance their personal growth but also make a positive impact in their community. YEY is a movement for youth led by Youth.

  • Register for one of our cohorts. Program participants can apply to become a youth facilitator after successfully graduating from our YEY cohort.

  • Check out our Linktree today!

  • Thanks to our volunteers, the program is completely FREE!

  • Our cohorts are held online via zoom and Google classroom.

  • We offer programs for two age groups: Our children’s program which is ages 8-12 years old and our teen’s program which is ages 13-18 years old.

  • Send us an email and we’d be happy to help you with this: office@yeyfoundation.org